Sunday, June 22, 2008
Blogging With Students
Overview of Blogging:
Blogs in Plain English says it all!
Resources for Evaluating Blogs:
Evaluating Blog Credibility, Steven Streight
Evaluation of Blog Content, Kathy Schrock
Evaluating Blogs, David Warlick
Blogging Guidelines for Students:
* Use my first name only and under no circumstance reveal any personal information including but not limited to my last name, address, phone number, age, or family information.
* Use appropriate language.
* Treat all people with respect in posts. Never use information to cause harm or appear to cause harm to any individual, group, or idea.
* Check all posts for spelling, grammar, and use of words before posting.
* Back up my opinions with facts.
* Keep all posts education-oriented.
* Ask permission to use information or files created by someone else.
Do Not's:
* Reveal any personal information.
* Use pictures of myself or any other individual.
Writing a Great Blog:
Weblog Ethics by Rebecca's Pocket
How to Write a Better Weblog by Dennis Mahoney
10 Tips on Writing the Living Web by Mark Bernstein
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Voices From the Third Grade
Learn about friendship, global warming, caring for your teeth, gymnastics, a community playground, safety patrol, retirement, and more . . . from the perspective of a third grade student. “Voices From the Third Grade” podcasts can be heard by visiting the Park Lawn web site at
Over a five month period students selected, wrote, and recorded articles on topics that were of interest to them. They then chose two of their best articles and wrote introductory scripts that were recorded by other students; the scripts were typically conversations between two other students. To pull it all together students worked with a teacher to combine sound, introductions, and articles into podcast episodes. The podcasts were created for Ms. Wojcik’s master’s thesis which looked at the impact podcasting had on voice and organization.
This was the first time Ms. Wojcik and I worked with student podcasting and we probably learned as much as the students through the experience. As we evaluated the project we noted key points that we will keep in mind for next year.
What We Did Right:
- We received permission from parents to share the podcasts, even though students used “fake” names in their recordings.
- Students listened and assessed exemplar and not-so-exemplar podcasts recorded by other elementary students before they started their own podcast.
- Students learned how to use Audacity prior to recording.
- We provided copyright free MP3 music for students to select from.
What We Will Change:
- Computers will be designated for podcasting and will include a microphone and headphones. Stand-up microphones will be used for interviews, headset microphoness will be used for solo podcasting. We had a few microphones fail because they were moved, causing bent cords.
- Students will select and use their pseudonym from day one.
- Consistent files names will be used; articles will be named by the topic and final episodes will have a predetermined name.
- Audacity automatically creates file folders when recordings as saved. Students will be instructed to look for the Audacity file, identifiable by the headphones, and not to open the folders.
Student enthusiasm for the project was evident from day one. Although Ms. Wojcik has not completed her thesis, I believe she will see clear evidence of improvement in voice and organization through this digital project.