Friday, March 21, 2008

Under Our Nose

Recently I attended a reading conference with two great workshops on the use of technology in education; one on blogging and the other on the use of online resources. Both presenters provided a piece of paper with a list of links to web resources they referred to in their presentations. I found it interesting that they did not refer to a social bookmarking site for their resources. Sometimes Web 2.0 tools are right under our nose and we do not realize it. So… I came home, reviewed the sites, and added those of interest to my favorites. Delve in and see if any interest you.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lost and Found Fashion Show

This week our daily broadcasts included lost-and-found fashion shows. Each day two students wore attire that had been left in the lost-and-found. To encourage students to claim their items, they provided detailed descriptions, and turned so that the audience could see the front and back. Denim jackets, scarves, hats, and lunch boxes were among the items highlighted in the fashion show. And, yes, it worked.